We will be CLOSED on Thursday 6th February for Waitangi Day.

Clearance Depot

The Flooring Centre Clearance Depot in Christchurch is full of great value stocked carpet, carpet tiles, vinyl flooring and short ends of timber, end of rolls and the odd laminate and hybrid too. We only source flooring from trusted and well known brands such as Godfrey Hirst, Polyflor, Belgotex, Robert Malcolm and Signature Floors. Make sure you check out the Super Specials - there are so many bargains to be had - but first in, first served!!

Do you live outside of Christchurch city or can't make it in store? You can arrange for your preferred carrier to collect your flooring from us and have it conveniently delivered to a freight depot near you.

Clearance Depot:
Call: 03 341 1767 
Email: clearance@theflooringcentre.co.nz

FIND US AT 147 Blenheim Road, Christchurch

  • Clearance Vinyl Planks for only $27.50 per m2!
  • Euro Twist polypropylene carpet for only $89.00 per broadloom metre!
  • Carpet Tiles only $39 per m2! (3 colours available)


Strata l Commercial Carpet Tile

Signature Floors

PVC Backed

A stylish and durable carpet tile ideal for offices and commercial spaces.

Size: 500 x 500mm

5m2 per box.

$39.00 per square metre

or $195.00 per box

Enquire Now

Supply Only Price. All carpet tiles must be purchased by the box.


Strata l Commercial Carpet Tile